AI in Mobile Applications — ReactNative ?

Sanjana Human In Tech
4 min readFeb 13, 2024

Using AI in React Native involves integrating AI services or libraries into your mobile app development.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of computers or machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence.

This includes:

  • Learning: AI systems can learn from data, experiences, or examples to improve their performance on a task without being explicitly programmed.
  • Reasoning: AI systems can use logic or rules to make decisions, draw conclusions, or solve problems based on available information.
  • Self-correction: AI systems can adjust their behavior or improve their performance over time by identifying errors, learning from mistakes, or receiving feedback.

In simpler terms, AI enables computers to learn from experience, make decisions like humans, and get better at tasks over time, similar to how humans learn and improve.

In the context of mobile applications, AI can be incredibly helpful in various ways

  • Personalization: AI algorithms can analyze user behavior and preferences to provide personalized experiences, such as tailored recommendations, content, and notifications. IT can understand how users interact with apps and what they like, so they can show them things they’re interested in.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Mobile apps can leverage NLP to understand and respond to user queries, facilitate language translation, or perform analysis on user feedback.
  • Image and Object Recognition: AI-powered image recognition enables mobile apps to identify objects, scenes, or text within images, facilitating functionalities like augmented reality, visual search, and accessibility features.
  • Voice Assistants: Integrating AI-based voice assistants into mobile apps allows users to interact with the app through voice commands, enabling hands-free operation and enhancing accessibility.
  • Predictive Analytics: AI algorithms can analyze historical data to predict future outcomes, helping mobile apps in various domains like finance, healthcare, and retail to make informed recommendations or decisions.
  • Enhanced Security: AI-driven security features, such as biometric authentication (e.g., facial recognition or fingerprint scanning) and anomaly detection, can support the security of mobile applications and protect user data.
  • Automation: AI-powered automation can streamline repetitive tasks within mobile apps, improving efficiency and user experience. For example, chatbots can handle customer inquiries, and AI-driven recommendation engines can automate content curation.
  • Healthcare Applications: AI can revolutionize healthcare mobile apps by enabling features like remote patient monitoring, medical image analysis, predictive diagnostics, and personalized treatment recommendations.

Here’s a basic example of how you can integrate a popular AI service like Microsoft’s Azure Cognitive Services for text analysis into a React Native app:

Set Up React Native Project:

npx react-native init AITextAnalysisApp

Install Dependencies:

For Azure Cognitive Services, you may need the @azure/cognitiveservices-textanalytics package.

npm install @azure/cognitiveservices-textanalytics

Initialize Azure Cognitive Services:

Set up your Azure account and create a Text Analytics resource. Obtain the endpoint URL and API key.

Set up Azure Account:

  • Go to the Azure portal ( and sign in or create a new account.
  • Navigate to the Azure Cognitive Services section.

Create Text Analytics Resource:

  • Click on “Create a resource” and search for “Text Analytics”.
  • Select the Text Analytics service and click “Create”.
  • Follow the prompts to configure the service. You may need to choose a subscription, resource group, region, and pricing tier.
  • Once created, navigate to your Text Analytics resource to find the endpoint URL and API key.

Obtain Endpoint URL and API Key:

  • In the Azure portal, go to your Text Analytics resource.
  • Under the “Keys and Endpoint” section, you’ll find both the Endpoint URL and one of the API keys.

Integrate Endpoint URL and API Key into Your React Native App:

  • Copy the Endpoint URL and API key.
  • In your React Native project, create a configuration file or constants file to store these values.
  • Import the endpoint URL and API key into your React Native components where you’ll be making requests to the Text Analytics service.

Initialize Text Analytics Client:

  • Use the imported endpoint URL and API key to initialize the Text Analytics client in your React Native component.
  • This typically involves using a library or SDK provided by Azure Cognitive Services to create a client instance.

Start Using Text Analytics:

  • With the initialized client, you can now use Text Analytics features such as sentiment analysis, key phrase extraction, language detection, etc., in your React Native app.
  • Make API requests to the Text Analytics service using the client instance, passing the text you want to analyze.

Create a Component

let’s create a simple text sentiment analysis component to integrate the AI service.

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { View, TextInput, Button, Text } from 'react-native';
import { TextAnalyticsClient, AzureKeyCredential } from '@azure/cognitiveservices-textanalytics';

const TextSentimentAnalysis = () => {
const [inputText, setInputText] = useState('');
const [sentimentResult, setSentimentResult] = useState('');

const analyzeSentiment = async () => {
const endpoint = '<Your endpoint URL>';
const apiKey = '<Your API key>';

const textAnalyticsClient = new TextAnalyticsClient(endpoint, new AzureKeyCredential(apiKey));

const documents = [{ id: '1', text: inputText, language: 'en' }];

const results = await textAnalyticsClient.analyzeSentiment(documents);

if (results && results[0].sentiment) {

return (
placeholder="Enter text here"
onChangeText={(text) => setInputText(text)}
<Button title="Analyze Sentiment" onPress={analyzeSentiment} />
{sentimentResult ? <Text>Sentiment: {sentimentResult}</Text> : null}

export default TextSentimentAnalysis;

Integrate Component

Finally, integrate this component into your app’s main entry point (e.g., App.tsx):

import React from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import TextSentimentAnalysis from './TextSentimentAnalysis';

const App = () => {
return (
<TextSentimentAnalysis />

export default App;

This is a basic example demonstrating how to integrate AI services into a React Native app. You can extend this by exploring other Azure Cognitive Services features or integrating other AI services like natural language processing, computer vision, etc.



Sanjana Human In Tech

A React Native front-end enthusiast and dedicated development engineer, eager to expand knowledge on development techniques and collaborate with others.