MVVM with Clean Architecture in React Native: A Detailed Guide

Sanjana Human In Tech
4 min readNov 4, 2023



MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) and Clean Architecture are two distinct architectural patterns that can be used in React Native applications to maintain a clean and organized codebase. MVVM is often associated with frameworks like Angular and Xamarin, but it can also be applied in React Native with some adaptations.

Clean Architecture, on the other hand, is a design pattern that promotes separation of concerns and maintainability. Combining MVVM with Clean Architecture in React Native can lead to a well-structured and maintainable codebase.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to implement MVVM with Clean Architecture in a React Native application:

  1. MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel): MVVM is an architectural pattern that separates the user interface (View) from the business logic (ViewModel) and the data (Model). In React Native, we can map the following components to MVVM.
  2. View: This represents the UI components and their structure. In React Native, Views are typically implemented using components like View, Text, TextInput, etc.
  3. ViewModel: The ViewModel is responsible for handling the presentation logic and business rules. It communicates with the Model (data) and updates the View accordingly. In React Native, this can be implemented using JavaScript classes or functional components.
  4. Model: The Model represents the data and the data access layer. It can include network requests, database operations, or any data-related logic.
  5. Clean Architecture: Clean Architecture is a design principle that separates your application into layers, each with a specific responsibility. It encourages you to have clear boundaries between the different parts of your application, making it easier to maintain and test.
  6. Entities: These represent the core business objects or models of your application. They should be independent of any framework-specific code.
  7. Use Cases: Use Cases are application-specific business rules. They contain the application’s core logic and interact with the entities.
  8. Interfaces: Interfaces define the contract between the use cases and the outer layers (e.g., presentation or data). This can include things like repositories, data sources, or presentation interfaces.
  9. Presenters/ViewModels: These are responsible for handling the presentation logic. They communicate with the use cases and update the UI.
  10. Frameworks/External: This layer contains framework-specific code, such as React Native components, third-party libraries, or data storage implementations.

Implementing MVVM with Clean Architecture in React Native:

  1. Folder Structure: Create a well-structured folder hierarchy to separate the different layers of your application.
- src
- entities
- use-cases
- interfaces
- presenters
- components

2. Entities: Define the core business objects or models of your application in the entities folder. These objects should be framework-independent and contain only the core data.

3. Use Cases: Implement application-specific business rules in the use-cases folder. Use cases interact with entities and implement the core logic of your app.

4. Interfaces: Define interfaces that provide contracts for communication between different layers. For example, create a data-source interface that defines methods for data retrieval and storage. These can be implemented with actual data sources, such as APIs or databases.

5. Presenters/ViewModels: In the presenters folder, create components or classes that serve as ViewModels. These components handle the presentation logic and interact with the use cases and data sources. They update the React Native components in the components folder.

6. Components: Create React Native components in the components folder, representing the Views of your application. These components should be as dumb and stateless as possible. They receive data and actions from the ViewModels and display the UI accordingly.

7. Data Flow: Data flows from the data sources (implementing interfaces) to the use cases, which contain the core business logic. The ViewModels (presenters) communicate with the use cases, updating the View (React Native components) accordingly.

8. Testing: Implement unit tests for your use cases and ViewModels. Ensure that each layer can be tested independently. Tools like Jest can be used for testing React Native applications.

9. Dependency Injection: Consider using a dependency injection framework for managing dependencies and providing implementations for interfaces.

10. State Management: You can use state management libraries like Redux or Mobx to handle global application state and keep your components as dumb as possible.

11. Navigation: Implement a navigation system (e.g., React Navigation) to handle navigation between different screens or sections of your app.

12. Error Handling and Logging: Implement a consistent approach to error handling and logging across your application. Centralize error handling and reporting for better debugging and maintenance.

13. Optimize for Performance: Make use of memoization and shouldComponentUpdate in your ViewModels and components to optimize performance and minimize re-renders.

By following this MVVM with a Clean Architecture approach, you can create a well-structured and maintainable React Native application. It helps in separating concerns, making your codebase more modular, and improving testability, which is essential for the long-term success of your project.

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Happy Learning🚀 Happy Coding💻.



Sanjana Human In Tech

A React Native front-end enthusiast and dedicated development engineer, eager to expand knowledge on development techniques and collaborate with others.